Gear Box

On a Sunday in 2012, after a long weekend of being at the ballfields selling, we started talking about a way to cut down the amount of time and effort it took to set-up and tear down every weekend. We had seen some photos of mobile shops, akin to food trucks, and we thought that would be a great way to do things, just pull up and with the opening of a window be ready to sell. It seemed like a dream solution and out of reach for the foreseeable future. We kept the idea alive and even scouted a few step vans in Nikiski and elsewhere in 2013, in March 2014 we participated in a few auctions but the bids quickly bounced out of our range so we waited. Then in late May 2014 we stumbled across a great deal on a used Arctic Office delivery truck, after a year of using it to get our gear to the fields we started converting it into the AkS Gear Box. After a lot of work and help from friends In May 2016 we completed our vision and started taking the truck to Wasilla, Kenai and Fairbanks. It is now a staple of the Alaska Softball weekend, appearing wherever the action is.